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Sabtu, 23 Maret 2024

Wonderful Day Joined Lake Toba Trip with 14 People Guests from Holland and Belgium

 NINNA.ID-Since July 2023, many Europeans visit Lake Toba. Until now August 2023, many tour guides especially local guides in Samosir Island, has booked by some tour travel operators.

A tour guide named Daniel Manik told to Ninna,” I got booked by some of the tour travel operators. I was so busy since July bringing European guests. It will continue until September.”

One of the writers in Ninna was invited by Nurdin Nasution to join Lake Toba Trip with 14 guests from Holland and Belgium. Friday 11th, 2023 became a wonderful day.

The trip starts at 09.00 am. We used the boat from Toledo Inn. We visited Sigapiton Village. There we trekked starting from the harbor to a school SD NO 173671 Sigapiton.

During trekking, all that joined the group listened to the explanation about this village. Here is the explanation about this village.

Sigapiton is flanked by two mountains. In Batak or Bahasa Indonesia, we called “digapit or diapit”. That is the reason it was named Sigapiton. This village was in a bay of Lake Toba.

Although it is close to Lake Toba, the people there do not use water from the lake for household.

There are some fountains that flow from the mountain and to be flowed to each house.

We can see the water from the fountains come from an irrigation ditch.

[caption id="attachment_26818" align="alignnone" width="696"]TOLEDO INN 14 guests from Holland and Belgium (photo: Damayanti)[/caption]

Worthy to be Called a Geopark

“Do you think Lake Toba worthy to be called a Geopark?” asked the guide. Some of the guests who really focusing on listening to the explanation answered,” Yes! Lake Toba is worthy to be called a national Park or Geopark!”

The guide asked the guests,” As we know water usually comes from higher to lower level. Why does water from above never stop flowing? And where does the water come from?

[caption id="attachment_26820" align="alignnone" width="696"]SIGAPITON VILLAGE The guest seeing the scenery of Sigapiton Village (photo: Damayanti)[/caption]

No one can answer the guide. She (the guide) explains, “The water always flows because there is much water. The mountains are the place to store water.

Mountains save water especially when there is much rain.

Mountains in Sigapiton have forested slopes that absorb the rain like a sponge, allowing it to run downhill gently to the rivers or irrigation ditch, rather than cause devastating floods,”

After the explanation, we passed some of the trees. There are candle nuts, avocados, coffee, corn, peanuts, and other plant. The guide shows and called the name of each of them.

As Lake Toba is situated 3,000 feet or at least 900 m above sea level, there are many trees that can grow here. Palm trees, pine trees, and other unique trees flourish side by side in this temperate paradise.

Visit School

After a long explanation, we arrived at a government school, there we were welcomed by the teacher and kids in the yard. They greet us using English.

It made the 14 guests feel welcome there. Later the kids do the Tor-Tor dance. They also invited all guests to dance.

It was a wonderful day. The kids were very happy especially when they met Tibo and his brother. Tibo, a guest from Holland has a big muscle.

Most of the kids noticed it. They show their muscle to Tibo. Many funny things they did with Tibo. They were having fun together.

[caption id="attachment_26819" align="alignnone" width="696"]DANCING Kids and the guests dancing together (photo: Damayanti)[/caption]

To Situmurun Waterfall

After spending a few hours in the school, we moved to our boat and we went to Situmurun Waterfall. It took around more than one hour. When we arrived in Situmurun, we have lunch. Then all the guest swam onto the Lake Toba and get close to the waterfall.

Situmurun Waterfall is around 70 meters high. Flanked between Jonggi Ni Huta and Hutanamora village. It is in Lumban Julu district, Toba Samosir.

All the guests felt wonderful seeing the natural spectacular wealth. They really admired the scenery in Situmurun. Finally, we finished our trip. We came back to Toledo Inn. It was a wonderful day joined the Lake Toba trip with 14 guests from Holland and Belgium.

Writer: Damayanti Sinaga that also work as Lake Toba Tour Guide

Travel Guide, The Cheapest Way to Get from Kualanamu Airport to Samosir Island

 NINNA.ID-There are several ways to get from Kualanamu Airport to Samosir Island. But the cheapest one Ninna recommended using a taxi to Kualanamu Airport. There are several taxis served or available at Kualanamu Airport.

The cost to get into a taxi is IDR 150.000 per person. The taxi can load 6 people including the driver. It means for 5 people IDR 750.000.

But just say there are only 1-2 people that are ready to go to Samosir Island. You will need another passenger until it loads 5 passengers from Kualanamu Airport to Samosir Island.

Otherwise, you can book one taxi that cost IDR 750.000. If only 2 people that ready to go and you agree to share IDR 750.000 for both of you. Each of you costs IDR 375.000.

[caption id="attachment_25974" align="alignnone" width="696"]Taksi dari Kualanamu Kualanamu Arrivals Area
Photo: Damayanti[/caption]

The distance between Kualanamu to Samosir Island is 120-130 km.

It takes approximately 4 hour and half to 5 hours to get from Kualanamu Airport (KNO) to Samosir Island, including transfers from Ajibata or Tigaraja Harbour crossing the lake to Samosir Island.

[caption id="attachment_26780" align="alignnone" width="696"]Small Boat in Simanindo Small Boat in Simanindo that bring passangers (photo: Damayanti)[/caption]

There is also another way, from Kualanamu Airport to Samosir Island from Tigaras Harbour. It will be faster or short way rather than from Ajibata or Tigaraja. You will arrive in Simanindo Harbour using Ferry or boat from Tigaras.

For transferring from Ajibata/Tigaraja or Tigaras Harbour crossing the lake to Samosir Island as usual the passengers using small boats for faster. It takes 30 minutes to cross the Lake Toba to the island. The cost of IDR 25.000 per person.

Take Break

As usual, on the way to Tigaraja/Ajibata, the taxi driver will stop in one shuttle stop because they need to take a break for a while in Siantar, depending on the situation.

It is just normal for a long journey the driver and passangers must take a break. But we do not have any obligation to give meals or pay for the driver meal’s because as usual, the driver is responsible for his meal.

As usual, foreigners concentrate located in TukTuk. But, so many homestays, and hotels around Simanindo.

You can ask the tourist information centre which homestay or hotels has staff that speak English so you can do all things you want easily.

[caption id="attachment_26781" align="alignnone" width="696"]Tourist in Hutaraja Tourist in Kampung Ulos Hutaraja, Lumban Suhi-Suhi, Samosir (photo: Damayanti)[/caption]

But if you have difficulty on how to communicate with the hotel staff or the owner of the homestay, feel free to call the Tourist Information Centre telephone number.

[caption id="attachment_10588" align="alignnone" width="696"]Latar Pulau Tulas One of great spot Samosir, Lake Toba (photo: Damayanti)[/caption]

Car Rental to Samosir

If you want to have more space and privacy, you can rent a car to Samosir. But you need to do research first to find the best company for you. Or you can order the car when you arrive in Kualanamu Airport.

[caption id="attachment_26782" align="alignnone" width="696"]Manggo in Samosir One of famous fruits originality from Samosir is this manggo (photo : Damayanti)[/caption]

The comparison. It must be cheaper using a taxi rather than rent a car. If we rent a car, it will cost more expensive. A day for rent is around IDR 350.000+ the wage of the driver is IDR 300.000+ fuel maybe cost IDR 200.000 + the driver might be asking us for cigarettes and food/meals every day if he follows us to Lake Toba.

[caption id="attachment_6604" align="alignnone" width="535"]Samosir 6 Buffalo is one of biggest livestock in Lake Toba. (photo:damayanti)[/caption]

It will cost more than IDR 1.000.000/day. We also must give a down payment to the owner of the company by transferring before the driver picks you up. So, which do you prefer? Using using taxi or rent a car?

If you need assitance, feel free to contact me for more information +62 852 9773 2855

[caption id="attachment_29346" align="alignnone" width="1280"]Damayanti Sinaga People from Belgium visited Samosir Island[/caption]

Writer: Damayanti Sinaga that also work as Lake Toba Tour Guide

Kamis, 21 Maret 2024

Samosir Pilihan Terbaik bagi Kamu Berpetualang Jelajahi Eksotisme Danau Toba

Danau Toba sangat luas. Terdiri dari 8 kabupaten. Jika kamu hanya punya libur dua hari rasanya tak cukup untuk eksplorasi banyak hal di Danau Toba. Jika kamu berjiwa petualang maka Samosir yang terbaik untuk kamu jelajahi eksotisme Danau Toba.

Tujuh kabupaten lainnya juga menawarkan hal yang sama. Hanya, jika kamu ingin dapat pengalaman banyak dalam waktu singkat maka Samosir pilihan terbaik buatmu.

Ini bukan sekadar promosi Samosir belaka. Sejumlah teman dan tamuku juga menyatakan hal serupa.

Mereka mengatakan Samosir destinasi super lengkap. Beberapa di antaranya pengakuan dua wanita yang bekerja di sebuah organisasi kemanusiaan di Jakarta.

Di awal mereka sudah rencanakan liburan 3 hari 2 malam di Parapat. Akan tetapi, setelah mereka tiba di Parapat mereka berubah pikiran. Bisa jadi karena mereka ingin melihat seperti apa Samosir itu.

[caption id="attachment_30358" align="alignnone" width="571"]Kegiatan di Danau Toba Berpose dengan latar pemandangan Danau Toba bagian Ajibata[/caption]

Sekalipun sudah terlanjur membayar lunas kamar untuk dua malam, mereka berdua memutuskan untuk eksplor Samosir 2 hari 1 malam.

[caption id="attachment_30359" align="alignnone" width="571"]PANATAPAN SINAPURAN Panatapan Sinapuran Simanindo yang mereka singgahi selama di Samosir (foto: istimewa)[/caption]

Hari pertama mereka tiba di Parapat mereka istirahat karena tiba sudah sore. Esok paginya mereka mengeksplor Bukit Senyum di Motung Ajibata dan The Kaldera di Sibisa.

Di siang hari mereka mengeksplor Samosir berangkat dari Pelabuhan Kapal Kayu Tigaraja menuju Homestay Jabu SiRulo Samosir.

Sebelum tiba di penginapan, mereka sangat menikmati bersepeda motor yang juga ku awasi dari kaca spion sepeda motorku.

Ku ajak singgah ke Panatapan Sinapuran Simanindo. Saat itu memang cukup terik dan ada pengunjung selain kami.

Dari raut wajah mereka aku perhatikan mereka kagum melihat pemandangan di depan mereka.

Tak lama kemudian ku ajak turun menuju kampung tidak jauh dari Panatapan Sinapuran.

Warga setempat ramah dan mengizinkan kami untuk melihat-lihat, mengambil foto Rumah Batak.

[caption id="attachment_29147" align="alignnone" width="1280"]Panatapan Sinapuran Simanindo Deretan Rumah Batak yang terlihat dari Panatapan Sinapuran Simanindo (foto: Damayanti)[/caption]

Di kesempatan itu, aku jelaskan ke kedua wanita ini mengapa Rumah Batak bentuknya layaknya perahu. Mengapa ada patung kepala kerbau atau ukiran cicak di hampir tiap ukiran Rumah Batak.

Usai dari Panatapan Sinapuran lalu kami pun beranjak menuju Homestay Jabu SiRulo. Hanya sebentar istirahat. Kami pun melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Bukit Burung.

Karena salah satu dari mereka ku amati sangat kuat secara fisik dan tampaknya senang eksplorasi alam, ku putuskan bawa mereka ke Bukit Burung.

Tepat tebakanku! Keduanya sangat jatuh hati dengan spot ini.

Tiap kesini bawa kawan atau tamu aku biasanya hanya duduk memandang Danau Toba yang begitu memukau.

Senang saja duduk sampai bahkan berjam-jam sembari menikmati cemilan atau minuman.
Tapi bersama kedua wanita ini aku harus menjawab tantangan untuk trekking.

Kami trekking sampai 15 menit di jalur yang belum lama ini dibuka. Foto bisa menunjukkan jalur yang kami lalui.

Berulang kali mereka mengambil foto dari berbagai sudut dan berbagai pose.

Sekalipun akses ke Bukit Burung ada yang tidak begitu bagus mereka tampak sangat menikmati senja saat itu.

Bahkan berencana untuk camping di sana kelak jika kembali lagi ke Samosir.
Dari Bukit Burung kami turun menuju Pemandian Aek Rangat.

Hari itu karena hari libur, Pemandian Aek Rangat padat. Kami memutuskan untuk memilih tempat yang tidak begitu padat pengunjung.

Tapi sama saja, di tiap tempat nyaris sama padatnya.

Sembari menikmati berendam di Aek Rangat aku pun cerita tentang luar biasanya Danau Toba yang memiliki banyak hal untuk bisa dinikmati.

Tidak hanya air tawar Danau Toba, gunungnya menghasilkan air panas yang dapat menyembuhkan beragam penyakit kulit.

Dari Aek Rangat kami juga singgah untuk berburu oleh-oleh di Pusat Oleh-Oleh di Pangururan. Setelahnya kami kembali ke Homestay Jabu SiRulo.

Keesokan paginya, kegiatan mereka dilanjutkan dengan olahraga mengayuh perahu Kano.

[caption id="attachment_30360" align="alignnone" width="1920"]NAIK KANO di sirulo Kedua tamu mendayung perahu Kano di Danau Toba di Pantai SiRulo (foto: Damayanti)[/caption]

Mereka sangat menikmati mengayuh perahu Kano hingga jauh dari pandangan mataku.

Rasanya mereka sudah terbiasa mengayuh perahu Kano.

Seusai menikmati mengayuh perahu Kano, mereka pun sarapan dan siap-siap untuk kembali ke Parapat lalu menuju Kualanamu.

[caption id="attachment_30361" align="alignnone" width="571"]MIE GOMAK DI SIRULO Menu sarapan di Homestay Jabu SiRulo (foto: istimewa)[/caption]

Setelah tiba Kualanamu dan bahkan tiba di Jakarta, mereka mengatakan mereka tidak menyesal telah memutuskan untuk ganti rencana perjalanan mendadak.

[caption id="attachment_30362" align="alignnone" width="571"]SARAPAN DI SIRULO Menu sarapan di Homestay Jabu SiRulo (foto: istimewa)[/caption]

Sekalipun mereka terlanjur bayar kamar untuk 2 malam di Parapat dan terpaksa harus mengeluarkan uang tambahan untuk kamar di homestay, menyebrang dan rental sepeda motor, mereka puas.

[caption id="attachment_30366" align="alignnone" width="571"]Pemanandangan di Pantai SiRulo Pemanandangan di Pantai SiRulo[/caption]

Mereka puas bisa nikmati petulangan jelajahi eksostisme Danau Toba.

Mereka mengatakan dari tiga kabupaten yang mereka lintasi Simalungun, Toba dan Samosir, pilihan terbaik mereka adalah Samosir.

[caption id="attachment_30363" align="alignnone" width="1600"]GISELE Ayu dari Jakarta Kedua tamu dari Jakarta tiba di Kualanamu dan menyatakan sangat menyukai Samosir (foto: istimewa)[/caption]

Samosir menyuguhkan paket lengkap bagi mereka berdua yang senang berpetualang.

Bisa eksplorasi Rumah Batak di Sinapuran Simanindo, trekking ke Bukit Burung, berendam di Aek Rangat Pangururan, mendayung perahu Kano di Pantai SiRulo dan menikmati menjelajahi Samosir dengan bersepeda motor. Mereka rasa itu sangat seru dan pengalaman tak terlupakan!

Penulis: Damayanti Sinaga
Editor: Damayanti Sinaga

Damayanti: An Experienced Tour Guide Bringing Lake Toba to Life

    Lake Toba, with its breathtaking natural beauty and rich Batak cultural heritage, is one of Indonesia's top travel destinations. How...